The seventh edition of the PHotoFUNIBER International Photography Contest begins
For the seventh year in a row, the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) presents the PHotoFUNIBER International Photography Contest. This year, we are interested in awarding the best images that represent the theme of "education." Read more

International Pre-University Prize – FUNIBER Research announces the winners
The organizers of the International Pre-University Award - FUNIBER Research celebrate the success of the first edition of this contest, which counted with the participation of students, teachers, and schools from different countries. Schools from Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Panama, and Venezuela participated. Read more

International Solidarity Campaign celebrates delivery of donations in several countries
From the Social Action area of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), in collaboration with the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza (International University of Cuanza,UNIC), the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University of Mexico, UNINI Mexico), the Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia (International University Foundation of Colombia, UNINCOL), the Universidad de La Romana (University of La Romana, UNIROMANA), and the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (International Iberoamerican University, UNIB), solidarity was celebrated from the "International Solidarity Campaign - Toy Drive" held between November and December 2024. Read more

Students awarded FUNIBER scholarships for online postgraduate courses attend the degree award ceremony at UNEATLANTICO
The European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) has extended for the first time the invitation to the on-site graduation ceremony to students with FUNIBER scholarships for distance postgraduate courses. Read more