International Pre-University Prize – FUNIBER Research announces the winners

International Pre-University Prize – FUNIBER Research announces the winners

The organizers of the International Pre-University Award – FUNIBER Research celebrate the success of the first edition of this contest, which counted with the participation of students, teachers, and schools from different countries. Schools from Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Panama, and Venezuela participated. 

There were 25 projects registered, with innovative ideas, observation of the environment, proposals for community application, and social or environmental relevance that seek to analyze local problems linked to the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. Congratulations to all participants!

In the first phase, the jury chose five finalist projects for the oral defense that took place on February 18. After this last stage, the jury evaluated the students’ presentation, adding points to the registered research project.

Announcement of winners

1st place:Trastorno de ansiedad social en adolescentes del colegio Gimnasio Campestre” (Social anxiety disorder in adolescents of colegio Gimnasio Campestre), Colegio Gimnasio Campestre, Colombia. Professor Tatiana Mendoza Cardozo and students Paula Gutiérrez and Sharom Martínez.

2nd place: “Fitorremediación y filtración de aguas contaminadas del río Machángara, Quito – Ecuador” (Phytoremediation and filtration of contaminated water from the Machángara River, Quito – Ecuador), Colegio ISM North, Ecuador. Professor Igor Miguel Sánchez Zarria and students Victoria Emilia Paredes Trujillo and Camila Anahí Suárez Mármol.

Honorable Mentions

Establecimiento de meliponarios de abejas nativas sin aguijón (ansa) con grado sexto en el Colegio Gimnasio Campestre de la ciudad de Ibagué” (Establishment of meliponaries of stingless native bees (ansa) with sixth grade at Colegio Gimnasio Campestre in the city of Ibagué) – Colegio Gimnasio Campestre, Colombia. Professor Tatiana Mendoza and students Gabriel Vásquez, Samuel Quijano, and Sara Gutiérrez.

In addition, diplomas of recognition are awarded to the finalist projects for their excellent work:

  • Propuesta de un experimento para validar condiciones de vida bacteriana metanófila en Titán y su uso para combatir el combatir el cambio climático” (Proposal of an experiment to validate methanotrophic bacterial life conditions on Titan and its use to combat climate change), Colegio Alemán Alexander von Humboldt in Mexico, professor Gabriela Elizabeth Covantes Rosales and student Noémie Morales Jung. 
  • “Recuperação do Cerrado: Implantação de uma Estufa de Mudas Nativas como Estratégia de Preservação e Educação Ambiental” (Recovering the Cerrado: Implementation of a Native Seedling Greenhouse as an Environmental Preservation and Education Strategy), CEPI Oemis Virginio Machado, Brazil, professor Adão Gonçalves De Oliveira Júnior and students.

Jury’s decision

The jury positively evaluated the quality of the projects presented, and especially the finalists who have demonstrated knowledge of the topic addressed, and skills in interpreting, analyzing, evaluating, and proposing studies and interventions for their environment. 

“Many congratulations to all the finalists and especially to those who were awarded. May all be encouraged to remain curious and continue researching,” says Cristina Ceballos Araoz, academic coordinator of the Psychology area of FUNIBER and member of the jury.

More information:

We launch the International Pre-University Prize – FUNIBER Research