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Category: USA

The director of FUNIBER in Italy studies the phytochemical effects of olive leaves on various ailments

The director of FUNIBER in Italy studies the phytochemical effects of olive leaves on various ailments

Dr. Maurizio Battino, director of FUNIBER Italy, participates in a research that studies the anticholinergic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of olive leaves and their effects on health.  Olive leaves have a distinctive morphology and aesthetic appeal in olive groves. However,… Read more

FUNIBER collaborator participates in the development of a drug to treat uncomplicated pelvic disease

FUNIBER collaborator participates in the development of a drug to treat uncomplicated pelvic disease

Dr. Mercedes Briones, researcher and educator associated with the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), collaborates in a study that evaluates the efficacy of sesame seeds and oil of damascena rose to treat uncomplicated pelvic inflammatory disease. Uncomplicated… Read more

FUNIBER researcher addresses the effect of proprioceptive training on the health of older adults

FUNIBER researcher addresses the effect of proprioceptive training on the health of older adults

Dr. Alvaro Velarde, coordinator of the Sports Area of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), collaborates in a research that studies the effects of proprioceptive training to prevent the suffering of falls and its consequences in older… Read more