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Category: USA

FUNIBER professor participates in a study on the connection between nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis

FUNIBER professor participates in a study on the connection between nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis

Dr. Irma Domínguez, academic coordinator of the Health and Nutrition Area of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), participates in a research that deciphers the connection between nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis with the help of omics technology. Read more

FUNIBER researchers validate a survey instrument on Virtual Learning Environments for LOVE.DIST@NCE project

FUNIBER researchers validate a survey instrument on Virtual Learning Environments for LOVE.DIST@NCE project

Emmanuel Soriano and Thomas Prola, FUNIBER researchers and participants of the Erasmus Plus CBHE LOVE.DIST@ANCE project (Learning Optimization and Academic Inclusion Via Equitable, Distance Teaching and Learning) have published an article in the journal MLS Educational Research (MLSER), focused on the validation and possible re-adaptation of the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES) instrument for assessment in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE). Read more

DigitalTA project partners meet in Czech Republic and plan their final year of work

DigitalTA project partners meet in Czech Republic and plan their final year of work

The partners of the European project Erasmus + DigitalTA (2022-25) led by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO) and in which the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) participates, meet in the city of Olomouc (Czech Republic), to organize the agenda of actions for the last year of operation of the project. Read more