FUNIBER China opens a new office in Shanghai
The FUNIBER office in China moves from Jinan to Shanghai, the economic capital of China, with the objective of facilitating a better attention to both students sponsored by the foundation and those people requesting information Recently, FUNIBER has moved… Read more

A conference will be given in Puerto Rico by the renowned nutritionist Guillermo Rodríguez Navarrete
A conference organized by FUNIBER on nutrition and health, on November 29th and December 1st respectively, will be given in Arecibo and Carolina (Puerto Rico) by the renowned nutritionist Guillermo Rodríguez Navarrete The conference, entitled “Nutrition, sport… Read more

FUNIBER begins the 3rd edition of the contest “Solidary Writing”
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), launches on November 7th the 3rd edition of the contest “Solidary Writing” whose objective is to promote and inspire solidary and transforming actions Being the “Solidary Writing” previous editions a total success, it… Read more

FUNIBER participates in a relevant European project of Financial Education
FUNIBER represents Spain in the SUCCEED program (Stimulate Financial Educacition to Foster Entrepreneurship and Development), which has been launched along with other companies and institutions from the European Union On October 19th and 20th, the SUCCEED financial education program… Read more

New PhD in Economic and Business Law
FUNIBER launches the new PhD in Economic and Business Law The new PhD program sponsored by FUNIBER, will begin from January 15th 2017, and it will be taught in Spanish and in Portuguese. The degree is awarded by… Read more

FUNIBER signs a collaboration agreement with ENACO in the Dominican Republic
FUNIBER and the Escuela Nacional de la Construcción (ENACO) signed a collaboration agreement last September 12th in the Dominican Republic. The signing took place in the FUNIBER’s headquarters in Santo Domingo. The participants were José Báez, Director of ENACO, and… Read more