FUNIBER sponsors HALCON research study on eating habits during confinement

FUNIBER sponsors HALCON research study on eating habits during confinement

The Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) sponsors the HALCON Study, a research study carried out by various researchers at the International Ibero-American University of Mexico (UNINI Mexico), which belongs to the network of universities with which FUNIBER collaborates.

The HALCON study (Eating Habits during Confinement) aims to find out the changes in the food consumption and healthy living habits that the population has suffered during confinement as a result of COVID-19.

During the last few months a health emergency has occurred that has impacted the whole world, leading to the taking of measures rarely seen in the history of humanity.

The Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) is carrying out different actions to support and facilitate the situation of confinement that the students on scholarship are experiencing. With the sponsorship of this study, it is also intended to collaborate in the research sector within the field of health.

Participation is completely voluntary and data will be processed solely for research purposes; no personal identification data will be disclosed.