New Master’s Degree in Assisted Human Reproduction
As of May 15th 2017, they are available the scholarships for the new Master’s Degree in Assisted Human Reproduction sponsored by FUNIBER It has recently been presented the program Master’s Degree in… Read more

The new CITTECAM building was inaugurated in Campeche (Mexico)
On April 24th at 11 am, the new building of the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer of Campeche (CITTECAM), promoted by FUNIBER and the International Iberoamerican University (UNINI Mexico), was inaugurated. Read more

FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO sign an agreement with UNICEF
On April 6th, FUNIBER and the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) signed a collaboration agreement with Spanish Committee for UNICEF to promote the improvement of the living conditions and the development of children around the… Read more

FUNIBER’s Delegate in the Republic of Mali visits the Foundation’s headquarters in Spain
Makoro Traoré, FUNIBER’s Delegate in the Republic of Mali, has visited the facilities of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) in Barcelona (Spain) on April The visit of the FUNIBER’s Delegate in the Republic of Mali to the Foundation’s headquarters in… Read more

FUNIBER celebrates in Cameroon The International Women’s Day
In the framework of the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every March 8 from 1975, FUNIBER has organized on the premises of the Foundation in Yaoundé (Cameroon) a round table entitled “Women in a changing world of… Read more

FUNIBER encourages university education in Mali
Through the collaboration agreement between FUNIBER and the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), Mali students will study the Undergraduate in Computer Engineering As a result from the collaboration agreement between FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO, being the… Read more