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Tag: project

Partners of the FINANCEn_LAB project led by FUNIBER test the financial simulator in Poland

Partners of the FINANCEn_LAB project led by FUNIBER test the financial simulator in Poland

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), together with the other partners of the Erasmus Plus FINANCEn_LAB project, met on March 10 at the multiplier event "Entrepreneurial finance education and ICT-based Tools" organized by the Jan Kochanowski University (UJK) in Kielce, Poland, to test the financial simulator developed during the project. Read more

The Ministry of Education of Cantabria is now associated with the European Erasmus + DigitalTA project in which FUNIBER participates

The Ministry of Education of Cantabria is now associated with the European Erasmus + DigitalTA project in which FUNIBER participates

The Regional Ministry of Education of Cantabria will collaborate in the European Erasmus+ DigitalTA (2022-25) project led by the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO),with participation from the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) and multiple European academic institutions. Read more