Director of FUNIBER Italy studies the benefits of fish consumption on cognitive impairment
Dr. Maurizio Battino, scientific researcher and director of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER) at its headquarters in Italy, participates in a study that analyzes the association between fish consumption and cognitive impairment and other types of dementia. Read more

FUNIBER researcher studies the biological properties of betalains in health
Dr. Mercedes Briones, researcher and educator associated with the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), is participating in a study that analyzes the biological activity of betalains present in the fruits of the Opuntia cactus, particularly in prickly pears, and their possible health benefits. Read more

FUNIBER sponsors the Joint Lab for Nutrition Research
Prof. Maurizio Battino, scientific director of the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER), together with Dr. Francesca Giampieri, researcher of the Department of Specialized Clinical Sciences and Odontostomatology of the same institution, recently concluded a mission to China… Read more

The director of FUNIBER Italy leads a study that addresses methodologies based on human biology to optimize nutritional research
Dr. Maurizio Battino, nutrition specialist and director of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), at its headquarters in Italy, leads a study that describes and analyzes the main novel tools that allow the design… Read more

FUNIBER professor participates in a study on the connection between nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis
Dr. Irma Domínguez, academic coordinator of the Health and Nutrition Area of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), participates in a research that deciphers the connection between nutrition and rheumatoid arthritis with the help of omics technology. Read more

FUNIBER researcher addresses the Mediterranean diet to implement a planeterranean diet
Dr. Mercedes Briones, professor of the Health and Nutrition Area at the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), together with other researchers, addresses little-studied aspects of the Mediterranean diet to develop an improved and expanded version. The Mediterranean… Read more