The SUCCEED project in which FUNIBER participated has obtained the certification of good practice by the EU

The SUCCEED project in which FUNIBER participated has obtained the certification of good practice by the EU

FUNIBER has participated in the SUCCEED project (Stimulate Financial Education to Foster Entrepreneurship and Development), an initiative of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission (EC), which has obtained the certification of good practice by the European Union (EU).

The aim of the SUCCEED project is to train young people between 18 and 31 years of age in the European Union (EU) in economic and financial matters to promote the culture of entrepreneurship and the creation of new companies. It is coordinated in Spain by Inna Alexeeva, a lecturer in the university network with which FUNIBER collaborates.

FUNIBER participated in the different training sessions that were carried out to develop the project, and organized the events in which the advances of the project were announced, as well as the “Learning Week Activities”, prolonged sessions of learning and improvement of the financial skills necessary to undertake successfully.

The SUCCEED project has had participants from Spain, Italy, Belgium, Slovenia, Romania and Luxembourg, among other countries, and has been an excellent opportunity to establish links between entrepreneurs and with European institutions in order to materialize projects in the future.

FUNIBER has participated in the project SUCCEED (Stimulate Financial Education to Foster Entrepreneurship and Development), together with Coopération Bancaire pour l’Europe, The Hive, BICERO, Fundatia Satean, RES – Réseau d’Entreprises Sociales.