FUNIBER will participate in the Virtual Fair The Student World

FUNIBER will participate in the Virtual Fair The Student World

The Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) will participate, on 24 June, in the Virtual Fair The Student World, a university meeting aimed at people from Latin America, which aims to present students with the academic offer of higher university studies.

FUNIBER will present its program of scholarships to study the master’s, doctorate, bachelor’s and university specializations that the universities with which FUNIBER collaborates have. Information will be provided about the study methodology and the requirements to apply for a scholarship, as well as the different financing options.

At this meeting, information will also be provided on the face-to-face degrees of the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), a FUNIBER collaborating institution located in Santander (Spain).

The online event will take place through a virtual private stand where interested parties will be able to make enquiries via chat or video call. It is possible to consult the fair’s timetable for each country.