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Tag: research projects

FUNIBER researcher improves the accuracy of epilepsy diagnosis

FUNIBER researcher improves the accuracy of epilepsy diagnosis

Dr. Carmen Lilí Rodríguez, international academic coordinator of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), is participating in a study to develop an intelligent system for the early diagnosis of epileptic seizures, with the aim of providing timely treatments and better results for patients. Read more

FUNIBER researcher develops an intelligent system to improve the efficacy of the telephysiotherapy

FUNIBER researcher develops an intelligent system to improve the efficacy of the telephysiotherapy

Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres, international coordinator of the Sports Area of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), participates in a study that develops an intelligent system capable of classifying physiotherapeutic exercises using PoseNet and machine learning, in order to improve the effectiveness of physiotherapy. Read more

FUNIBER researcher proposes a security model for IoT systems

FUNIBER researcher proposes a security model for IoT systems

Dr. Daniel Gavilanes Aray, director of the Technological Center of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), participates in a study that presents a formal security model of the RPL routing protocol, based on Petri nets, in order to protect the data and privacy of users in the Internet of Things (IoT) system. Read more

FUNIBER’s Director of Admissions presents an approach to categorize YouTube videos

FUNIBER’s Director of Admissions presents an approach to categorize YouTube videos

Dr. Monica Gracia, International Director of Admissions at the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), participates in a study that develops an approach based on artificial intelligence to categorize YouTube videos, in order to facilitate the user's search for information. Read more

The director of FUNIBER Guatemala participates in a study that analyzes the epidemiologic evolution of dengue fever

The director of FUNIBER Guatemala participates in a study that analyzes the epidemiologic evolution of dengue fever

Dr. Eduardo Silva, director of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER) at its headquarters in Guatemala, participates in a study that performs a systematic review of the molecular epidemiology, clinical characteristics and transmission of dengue in Bangladesh. Read more