FUNIBER researcher studies the effects of a physical exercise program in older adults with overweight
Dr. Alvaro Velarde, researcher and coordinator of the Sports Area of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), participates in a study that analyzes the effects of a multicomponent physical exercise program on the functional fitness of a group of overweight or obese older adults in Chile. Read more

Dr. Alvaro Velarde discusses the effect of resistance training on circulating irisin in adults
The researcher and coordinator of the Sports Area of the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation, FUNIBER), Dr. Alvaro Velarde, collaborates in a study that examines the long-term effect of resistance training on circulating irisin levels in adults. The… Read more

Dr. Álvaro Velarde represents FUNIBER at an International Congress held in Athens
Dr. Álvaro Velarde Sotres, representing the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), attends the SCS 6th Annual Meeting EEVFA – 11th International Congress of Biochemistry and Physiology of Exercise, held in the Hellenic Olympic Committee (HOC) in Athens, Greece. This… Read more