FUNIBER’s representative in Equatorial Guinea visits the Foundation’s headquarters in Spain
On May 18th, Arsenio Osa, the representative of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) in Equatorial Guinea, visited the central offices of FUNIBER in Barcelona (Spain) The representative of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) in Equatorial Guinea,… Read more

FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO sign an agreement with UNICEF
On April 6th, FUNIBER and the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) signed a collaboration agreement with Spanish Committee for UNICEF to promote the improvement of the living conditions and the development of children around the… Read more

FUNIBER’s Delegate in the Republic of Mali visits the Foundation’s headquarters in Spain
Makoro Traoré, FUNIBER’s Delegate in the Republic of Mali, has visited the facilities of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) in Barcelona (Spain) on April The visit of the FUNIBER’s Delegate in the Republic of Mali to the Foundation’s headquarters in… Read more

FUNIBER headquarters in Angola move from its current location
FUNIBER headquarters in Angola changes its location in Luanda, the country’s capital, to move to new facilities in order to offer a better service to scholarship holders and all the people interested in asking for information The Foundation new facilities… Read more

The Executive Director of FUNIBER in Senegal meets with important public figures from the country
Ibra Mboup, Executive Director of FUNIBER in Senegal, met with important public figures from the country in a commemorative ceremony of the IV Centenary of Shakespeare and Cervantes’s death, which was celebrated in Dakar, on 22nd April The gala was… Read more
FUNIBER will participate in the gala commemorating the IV Centenary of Shakespeare and Cervantes’s death in Senegal
FUNIBER Senegal will attend, next 22nd April, the commemorative ceremony of the IV Centenary of Shakespeare and Cervantes’s death, which is organized by the Spanish Embassy in Senegal and the British Council The event will… Read more