FUNIBER begins the second edition of the CONTEST “Solidary Writing”
On November 9, the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) will begin the second edition of the CONTEST “Solidary Writing”, which will be spread through the different communication channels used by the Foundation. Being the first edition a success, with 200 students… Read more
FUNIBER arranges the visit of a delegation from Peru to several agro-food institutions in Barcelona
FUNIBER has arranged the visit of a delegation from Peru to different leading institutions in the agro-food and innovation sector in Catalonia (Spain), October 13 to 19. These activities are included in the Project “Stimulation of the agro-food sector, based… Read more
The FUNI-COMPETITION “FUNIBER Opinions” has come to a close and the winner is a student from Panama
The FUNI-COMPETITION “FUNIBER Opinions”, organized by the Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER), has come to a close the winner was Panamanian student Eyleen Montero, with the text “FUNIBER, a window to new opportunities for professional training, connecting two continents… Read more
Senegal’s former Minister, Mamadou Diop Decroix, visits FUNIBER
Mamadou Diop Decroix, Senegal’s former Minister and current General Secretary of the And-Jëf/African Party for Democracy and Socialism, visited FUNIBER’s headquarters in Barcelona, Spain. Contenido POPUP During his visit on… Read more
New FUNIBER office in Cameroon
FUNIBER has recently opened a new office in Cameroon (Africa), more specifically in the capital of the country, Yaoundé. This new addition aims to expand FUNIBER’s scope in the country and offer a better service to students awarded with a… Read more
It has been confirmed the date for the IPMA assessment and certification organized by FUNIBER in Argentina
On Saturday, August 15, it will take place the International Project Management Association (IPMA)'s assessment and certification for the first time in Argentina in the offices of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER). All professionals in the project management… Read more