FUNIBER launches its 1st Photo Contest, PHotoFUNIBER’19
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) launches its 1st International Photo Contest, PhotoFUNIBER’19, as of February 25th, 2019. This contest will reward those photos that have the best assessment from the Jury and from the popular vote. Any person of… Read more
Maurizio Battino will lead an international research group
Dr. Maurizio Battino, executive director of FUNIBER Italy and director of the Health and Nutrition area from the Foundation, will lead an international research team at the University of Vigo. During the launch event, Battino declared he… Read more
FUNIBER sponsors the new scientific journal Psychology Research
The first issue of the new scientific journal Psychology Research, sponsored by FUNIBER, has already been published with a total of six articles. This journal, which is biannual, counts with the collaboration of the European University of the… Read more
Concert in Hamburg by the pianist José Luis Nieto
Within the framework of activities developed by the Cultural Work of FUNIBER on November 13, at 7.30 pm, the Spanish pianist José Luis Nieto starts his tour in Central Europe with a concert in the Laeiszhalle – Elbphilharmonie… Read more
The event on Circular Economy organized by FUNIBER attracts the interest of entrepreneurs and businesspeople
On June 12, the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) carried out in the Hotel Occidental Atenea Mar an event framed within the project called “Enhance Skills in StartUps for wastE iN Circular Economy” (ESSENCE), in which FUNIBER collaborates and which… Read more
FIDBAN’s Second Investors Round will count on live streaming on YouTube
Monday March 26th, 19pm LT the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO) will be hosting the second Investors Round of the Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (FIDBAN). The event, in which six interesting projects will be presented -one of them… Read more