FUNIBER participates in the Learning Activity of the SUCCEED project
SUCCEED, the European project of financial education (Stimulate Financial Education to Foster Entrepreneurship and Development), of which the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) is an active partner, reaches a crucial time with its first Learning Activity, in which the Foundation is… Read more

New PhD in Psychology promoted by FUNIBER
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) is sponsoring the new PhD in Psychology that starts next April 16, and which is offered by the International Iberoamerican University (UNINI Mexico). This new PhD aims to help meet the need to… Read more

Maurizio Battino is acknowledged as one of the most influential researchers in the world for the third consecutive year
Maurizio Battino, the international director of the Area in Health and Nutrition of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), has been recognized as one of the most brilliant scientists of the planet, for the third consecutive year, by the prestigious… Read more

FUNIBER collaborates in the 1st Funding Round organized by FIDBAN
Being one of the trustees of the Fundación Innovación y Desarrollo (FIDBAN), FUNIBER has collaborated in the first funding round held on Dec 11th, in which the five business projects chosen have been introduced, from 7 pm, in the… Read more

FUNIBER participates in the second annual meeting of SUCCEED, the European project of financial education
On September 26th and 27th, FUNIBER participated in the “Multiplier event and Project meeting” of the European project of financial education named SUCCEED (Stimulate Financial Education to Foster Entrepreneurship and Development), which was held in Salerno (Italy). The Foundation is… Read more

Massive attendance at the Maurizio Battino’s conference in Santander (Spain)
The researcher Maurizio Battino, Director of FUNIBER in Italy, conducted a conference at the Ateneo de Santander (Spain), the June 15th, on the role of plant foods in the diet At the conference entitled “Globesity and Obesity. Read more