The coordinator of the DigitalTA project participates in a Euroconexión radio program
Josep Alemany, coordinator of the Erasmus Plus DigitalTA (2022-2025) and professor at the European University of the Atlantic (UNEATLANTICO), recently took part in the Spanish radio program Euroconexión, as a result of the existing agreement between the Association of Spanish University Radios and the European Parliament, to talk about the project's progress. Read more

FUNIBER will participate in a multiplier event within the FINANCEn_LAB project framework
On March 10 the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) will participate n the multiplier event “Entrepreneurial Finance Education and ICT-based Tools” organized by the Jan Kochanowski University (UJK) from Kielce, Poland, and framed as an activity of the Erasmus Plus FINANCEn_LAB project led by the Foundation. Read more

FUNIBER, UNEATLANTICO and UNIC pay tribute to women
FUNIBER, together with the Universidad Europea del Atlántico and the Universidad Internacional do Cuanza, celebrate International Women's Day and congratulate all those who managed to overcome difficulties and achieve their goals. Read more

President of the Spanish Senate inaugurates a FUNIBER Cultural Work exhibition in Canada
Ander Gil, the fourth highest authority of the Kingdom of Spain, inaugurated the exhibition entitled "Goya and Dalí: from whimsy to nonsense", in Ottawa as part of the FUNIBER and UNEATLANTICO's Cultural Work, in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy and the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more

The King and Queen of Spain inaugurate an exhibition of Miró’s work in Angola for FUNIBER’s Cultural Work.
During their visit to the African country, Felipe VI and Lady Letizia kicked off the exhibition of two collections by Spanish genius Joan Miró in an initiative organized by FUNIBER, UNEATLANTICO, and UNIC together with other Angolan and Spanish institutions. Read more

The King and Queen of Spain meet UNIC, sponsored by UNEATLANTICO and FUNIBER, during their visit to Angola
The Spanish educational institutions accompanied Felipe VI and Lady Letizia during their visit to Angola and presented the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza, sponsored in the African country by the European University of the Atlantic and FUNIBER. Read more