FUNIBER launches extraordinary call for Scholarships
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) has launched an extraordinary call for Scholarships to study Master’s, Bachelor’s, Specialization, and Doctorate degrees at a distance. The situation caused by the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic highlighted the need to adapt educational models to… Read more
FUNIBER will organize the International Congress on Readaptation and Injury Prevention
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) will organize the 7th International Congress on the Readaptation and Prevention of Injuries in Physical Activity and Sport, and the 5th Congress on Health and Physical Exercise, to be held in virtual mode from… Read more
Successful participation in the first phase dissemination of the UNESCO study on the management of COVID-19
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) is participating in a study on citizens’ response evaluation before Covid-19, in relation to the ethical recommendations as proposed by UNESCO. The study is based on the “Joint Declaration on COVID-19: Ethical considerations from a… Read more
Bruno Mezzetti, professor of the master’s degree in health, recognized among the most influential researchers worldwide
Bruno Mezzetti, professor of the FUNIBER masters degrees in the health area, has been recognized among the most influential researchers in the world by the scientific review agency Clarivate Analytics, who creates the list on “Highly Cited Researchers”, through… Read more
FUNIBER is participating in a study on the ethical recommendations by UNESCO on the management of COVID-19
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) is participating in a study to measure the citizens’ perception on the response to the COVID-19, based on the ethical recommendations proposed by UNESCO. The study is coordinated by the National Center for Documentation in… Read more
FUNIBER sponsors the Second International Virtual Congress of Industrial Engineering (CIVII 2020)
FUNIBER, avec d’autres institutions, parraine le deuxième Congrès virtuel international du génie industriel (CIVII), qui se tiendra du 22 au 26 juin 2020. Le congrès est organisé par l’Université internationale ibéro-américaine du Mexique (UNINI Mexico), avec l’Institut national polytechnique (IPN),… Read more