The MLS Psychology Research journal sponsored by FUNIBER publishes new issue
The magazine's editor-in-chief, Juan Luis Martín, recently announced the publication of issue 1 of the magazine's fifth volume. Read more

FUNIBER hosts new meeting of the European project T-CRISIS-NAV
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) organized on April 5 and 6 a face-to-face meeting at its headquarters in Barcelona (Spain) with the rest of the European partners of the T-CRISIS-NAV project. Read more

The 4th edition of the PHotoFUNIBER International Photography Competition comes to an end
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) published on Wednesday the list of winners of the PHotoFUNIBER'22 International Photography Contest organised by the Foundation through its Cultural Work. Read more

American students value their internship experience in the Communication Department
Communication students from the University of Missouri (United States), Abigail Blasingame, Isabella Janney and Corinne Baum, through an agreement with FUNIBER, carried out internships at the Foundation's headquarters in Barcelona from January to April. We have interviewed them to learn about their experience. Read more

FUNIBER attends LOVEDISTANCE European project meeting in Israel
The Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) attended a meeting held in Tel Aviv (Israel) between the partners of the European Erasmus + LOVE.DIST@NCE project from 14 to 19 March. Read more

The European Digital TA project that FUNIBER collaborates in participates in a new international meeting
The European project Erasmus + Digital TA (2022-25), in which FUNIBER participates in, has been invited to participate in the European Ministerial Conference "Embedding European perspectives in teacher development", to be held on March 3 in person and online. Read more