FUNIBER promotes the journal MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation (MLSPCI)

FUNIBER promotes the journal MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation (MLSPCI)

The Multi-Lingual Scientific (MLS) Journals, promoted by the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), has added a new journal, MLS Pedagogy, Culture and Innovation (MLSPCI), to its platform.

Educational technology, interculturality and inclusion, curriculum development, teacher training, tutoring and school organization, among others, are some of the topics covered by this new journal.

This journal is open to students, teachers, researchers and professionals related to pedagogy and culture who carry out innovative actions in different areas such as schools, communities and universities. Social and community educators are also welcome. The journal will receive studies and experiences about them, preferably from Europe and Latin America.

Papers are accepted in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The complete issue of the journal will be available in Spanish and English. Articles in Portuguese will be kept in their original language.

Following the recommendations of the Report on Inclusive Language and Related Issues of the Royal Spanish Academy, the journal encourages the writing of articles that respect inclusive language.

The editorial team is made up of academics and researchers, experts in the most current topics and studies in education, culture and society. Articles go through a peer review process to verify that they are suitable for the journal. Article submission guidelines are available at the following link. The reception of articles is open throughout the year.

The Multi-Lingual Scientific (MLS) Journals is an open access publisher, based in Santander (Spain), and is promoted by the Iberoamerican University Foundation  (FUNIBER), the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic, UNEATLANTICO), the Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México (International Iberoamerican University of Mexico, UNINI Mexico), Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de Puerto Rico (International Iberoamerican University, UNIB) the Universidade Internacional do Cuanza (International University of Cuanza, UNIC), the Fundación Universitaria Internacional de Colombia (International University Foundation of Colombia, UNINCOL), the Universidad de La Romana (University of La Romana, UNIROMANA) and the Instituto Politécnico Nacional de México (IPN).