FUNIBER is participating in a study on the ethical recommendations by UNESCO on the management of COVID-19

FUNIBER is participating in a study on the ethical recommendations by UNESCO on the management of COVID-19

The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) is participating in a study to measure the citizens’ perception on the response to the COVID-19, based on the ethical recommendations proposed by UNESCO.

The study is coordinated by the National Center for Documentation in Bioethics in Spain, based on the “Joint Declaration on the COVID-19: Ethical considerations from a global perspective”. This Declaration was published on April 6, 2020 by UNESCO, through the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) and the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).

The document sent to the member states proposes 11 ethical recommendations on the global response to COVID-19. As a general criteria for action, it calls on three fundamental aspects: Abandoning geographical, economic, and cultural differences; developing joint and coordinated actions; and sharing responsibilities.

Furthermore, through this declaration, UNESCO encourages national, regional, and international Bioethics and Ethics Committees to establish constructive dialougs with the relevant administrations to facilitate an effective response to COVID-19.

The research group, coordinated by the National Centre for Documentation in Bioethics, is carrying out this study with the aim of finding out the public’s perception of the response to COVID-19, using the aforementioned Declaration as a reference.

FUNIBER has carried out different actions since the the pandemic was declared due to COVID-19. By participating in this study, the foundation also intends to collaborate in the research sector.

Participation in the study is anonymous and voluntary, and consists of answering a questionnaire based on the 11 recommendations. The questionnaire also includes socio-sanitary indicators on exposure to the pathogen.

We encourage everyone who wants to participate, to do so via the following link:

Participate in the UNESCO study on COVID-19