DigitalTA project partners make progress in the development of the first digital platform pilot test
The members of the European project Erasmus + Digital TA (2022-25), led by the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) (UNEATLANTICO), with the participation of the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), met between June 6 and 9 in the city of Limerick (Ireland), to share ideas and make progress in a joint action plan for the development of the pilot test that will begin in September of this year. Read more

FUNIBER participates in the closure of the Erasmus Plus LOVEDIST@NCE project in Georgia
The Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation) (FUNIBER)took part between May 15 and 17 in Batumi (Georgia) in the closing conference and subsequent final meeting of the Erasmus Plus project LOVEDIST@NCE. Read more

The project FINANCEn_LAB led by FUNIBER gathers in Santander and perfects its financial simulator
On April 25th and 26th, the Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (Iberoamerican University Foundation) (FUNIBER) was part of a transnational meeting of the project Erasmus Plus FINANCEn_LAB, where the progress of the virtual simulator were shown. Read more

FUNIBER meets with the Department of Education of Cantabria to discuss possible collaborations in the DigitalTA project
Josep Alemany and Thomas Prola, responsible for the Erasmus Plus project DigitalTA (2022-2025) in which FUNIBER participates, met last April 26th at the campus of the Universidad Europea del Atlántico (European University of the Atlantic) (UNEATLANTICO) in Santander with Guillermo González, Chief of the Technical Unit of Evaluation and Accreditation of the Department of Education, Vocational Training, and Tourism of the Government of Cantabria, to discuss possible cooperation strategies. Read more

FUNIBER attends T-CRISIS-NAV project meeting to refine tourism training packages
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) attended on April 12 and 13 the fifth transnational meeting of the Erasmus Plus project T-CRISIS-NAV , organized in Halle (Germany) by the consulting firm The Vision Works. Read more

FUNIBER gathers in Salamanca diplomats from four continents in support of Iberophony
The Foundation brings together in the city of Salamanca institutional representatives, diplomats, and academics from Spain, Brazil, Honduras, Mozambique, South Korea, and Switzerland. Read more