The web on nutritional composition promoted by FUNIBER launches new design
The Nutritional Composition website, promoted by FUNIBER and its network of universities with the aim of creating awareness of what foods are composed of, has a new image. Read more

FUNIBER attends a new meeting of the T-Crisis Nav project
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) attended last December 10 to a new meeting of the European project T-Crisis-Nav. Read more

Progress of the European project Financen_LAB
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) held a virtual meeting with the other partners of the European project Financen_LAB on November 29th. Read more

FUNIBER carries out graduation ceremonies to scholarship holders in different countries
In the month of November, the Ibero-American University Foundation organized several graduation ceremonies to scholarship students in Latin America. Among the countries, Bolivia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Paraguay brought together students in each country to receive their diplomas officially and in person. Read more

Maurizio Battino, FUNIBER’s Scientific Director, recognized for the seventh consecutive year among the most highly cited researchers
Dr. Maurizio Battino, Scientific Director of FUNIBER and the European University of the Atlantic, has been included for the seventh consecutive year in the list of the most cited researchers carried out by the Clarivate Analytics agency. Read more

FUNIBER participates in new meeting for the T-Crisis-Nav project
The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) participated on November 2 in a face-to-face meeting in Scotland to discuss the T-Crisis-Nav project. Read more